Cinemark Theater in Texarkana Reopen August 21


Get your popcorn and favorite movie-watching buddy picked…We can finally go watch a movie at the Texarkana Cinemark on August 21st. As of now, we will get to watch Russell Crowe’s newest movie “Unhinged.” This is going to be great…sure we will have to wear a mask when we are not eating and/or drinking but we are now used to that.  We found details on how Cinemark plans to keep us safely entertained.

Your theatre is reopening August 21!
With careful planning and greatly enhanced safety measures, we are excited to begin the phased reopening of our theatres. We can’t wait to have you back with us

As we begin thoughtfully reopening theatres, the health and well-being of our guests, employees and communities is a top priority. You will notice greatly enhanced cleanliness, sanitizing and safety measures at every step of your movie-going experience. To find out about the many ways we’re protecting your safety, continue reading below.

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