Texas Governor Amends Travel Restrictions


During today’s press conference, Texas Governor Gegg Abbot updated the restrictions to limit traffic from Louisiana to Texas by vehicle. He also made an allowance for an expedited licensing for healthcare professionals to help ease the burden on our medical facilities.

“My prior executive order about travel from New Orleans covered air travel from New Orleans into the state of Texas,” said Abbott. “Now I am updating that executive order to also include travel by road and that is travel by road from any location in the State of Louisiana.”

The Texas Department of Public Safety will issue traffic stops and people will be required to self-quarantined for 14 days if you are found coming from Louisiana.

Today I waived certain regulations allowing for an expedited licensing reactivation process for Advanced Practice Registered Nurses in Texas.‬

‪This allows more healthcare professionals to re-enter the workforce & assist in our effort to fight #COVID19.
Courtesy Govenor Greg Abbot

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